The intent and execution Prime now had been a glorious thing. Sit home, order your items, set your tip, get your stuff within 3 hours or less.
Then new feature was added - the ability to acquire items from Sprouts and it all falls apart. Now there are 2 carts, 2 payments, 2 confirmations that may or may not work. The app took one payment gave a confirmation, then stuttered accepted the 2nd confirmation but it can take upwards of 15 minutes for your cart to empty. Then you find out it didnt work.
Customer service calls you right back, then puts you on hold for an ETERNITY, then you find out theyre useless. They cant tell you what happened or cant help with your order, or anything useful.
They just ask that stupid question when you realize theyre useless is there anything else I can help you with... I suggested she stop asking that question until she Could do something.
Master of Stick Figures about Amazon Prime Now, v3.0.1